The Katak open project
We needed an online ticket system easy to use, to maintain and to customize. And, first of all, we needed a multilingual system. We found OsTicket 1.6 an ideal base, so we made a fork and created the Katak-support Ticket System!
Our idea is to maintain the system effective and efficient but simple. Easy for the user but also easy for the coder: The KISS principle! And, of course, the system is open source.
Open Source
Katak Open is and remain open source, free and open to the contributions of those who wish to participate in the project. It was created to facilitate translations in different languages.
Experience and professionality
Katak is the result of the professionalism and expertise in the management of so-called ticket system as well as in programming.
Quality and safety
During development and testing our team paid much attention to the safety and quality of the software. Tips to improve these aspects are always welcome.