"Unable to create a ticket. The system administrator has been notified. Please try later!"

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Last seen: vor 9 Jahre 8 Monate
Joined: 12/09/2014 - 17:43
"Unable to create a ticket. The system administrator has been notified. Please try later!"

I deleted the default "alerts" email account, and just sticking with the one account to send out the emails.

But now, users can't create new tickets, it says "Unable to create a ticket. The system administrator has been notified. Please try later!"

and has "Email mismatch" written next to the "Email address:" field, which has a valid email address in there. Also tested with some others.

Also, it says the "system administrator has been notified", but it doesn't notify us anywhere?

Last seen: vor 1 Jahr 1 Monat
Joined: 14/01/2013 - 16:00

How did you manage to successfully delete the default "alerts" email account? The system should prevent the cancellation of default e-mails.

Last seen: vor 9 Jahre 8 Monate
Joined: 12/09/2014 - 17:43

I selected it and chose "Delete". I guess it depends on the order that I done things.

I like the simplicity of this support ticketing system, but I think there is still more to be done before it is ready to release.

